2019 report

Inés Gómez

2019-12-19 13:36:38
Reading Time: < 1 minute

2019 has been a great year for, our blog featuring posts and news on Data Science as applied to aviation. The blog was created in 2017 and, since then, more than 80 articles have been written by our team and collaborators. If you are new to the blog and want to know more about us, visit our About section.

This year, we are especially proud of our posts and the success they’ve garnered among visitors and peers: we have received very good responses and visits have increased significantly! Find some numbers below on this year’s visits:

We have also created a podium with our most read articles of 2019. Congrats to Damir Valput, Lara Moro and Darío Martínez, who are the authors of the top 3 posts this year!

If you want to navigate a bit further and don’t know where to start, here are 3 posts that we particularly recommend. Have a look!:

We want to thank all our visitors for a great year in Data Science in Aviation. We hope to see you around with more posts and great news in 2020!

