Innaxis presence at the SIDs 2019

Inés Gómez

2019-11-26 15:42:34
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The 9th edition of the SESAR Innovation Days is coming up! This year, Innaxis will be presenting three papers that have been successfully submitted: two from SafeClouds project and one from Domino project. We will be there also as part of the Engage consortium in the thematic challenge workshop. Our activities will include:

  • Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) Unknown Hazards detection during Approach Phase using Clustering Techniques and AutoEncoders. This paper uses clustering techniques to identify outlier flights landing on LEBL and later predicts these anomalies using AutoEncoders as a forensic tool for airline safety departments. It will be presented by Antonio Fernández (Innaxis) on Wednesday, 4 December 2019,  starting at 14:00 in the National Centre of Scientific Research (NCSR) “Demokritos”.
  • Forecasting Unstable Approaches with Boosting Frameworks and LSTM Networks presents machine learning methodologies (using boosting frameworks and deep learning) to enable real-time forecasting of unstable approach events up to 1 minute in advance. It will be presented by Darío Martínez (Innaxis) on Wednesday, 4 December 2019 starting at 15:30 in the National Centre of Scientific Research (NCSR) “Demokritos”.
  • Network-wide assessment of 4D trajectory adjustments using an agent-based model presents the results of the SESAR ER3 Domino project. It focuses on the effects that two 4D trajectory adjustment mechanisms, dynamic cost index and wait for connecting passengers, have on the ECAC network.  It will be presented by Gérald Gurtner (University of Westminster) on Tuesday, 3 December 2019, during the session “Complexity, Data Science and Data Sources” starting at 15:00.
  • Engage thematic challenge workshop “data-driven trajectory prediction”, co-located with the SIDs and taking place on Monday 2 December. Further details are available on the Engage website.
  • “SESAR Knowledge Transfer Network – Engage”, a presentation about the Engage network by Andrew Cook (Coordinator, University of Westminster), on Thursday 5 December starting at 11.30 in the Auditorium.

Also, from December 2nd to December 4th, the Digital Sky Challenge will take place at the Athens Airport, organized by SESAR JU and ACI EUROPE. Innaxis has been collaborating with EUROCONTROL, EASA, IATA, airlines, airports and ANSPs to prepare the competition. Data sources have been stored on the DataBeacon cluster and then de-identified and merged into a wide range of aviation data sources for use by participants in the Digital Sky Challenge.

As we will be mentoring the sessions, you will be able to find Dario, Antonio and Samu around Monday (all day) and Tuesday morning. Don’t hesitate to ask them for help if you are participating! You will be able to find them easily through the DataBeacon logo. Innaxis will proudly award “the most innovative AI application” among all finalists in three categories, granting them a presentation slot in the Innaxis Data Science Workshop.

We hope to see you all there at the SIDs! If you are interested in meeting, just drop us a line at [email protected].

