Maximise the probability of Data Science project success.

Seddik Belkoura

2018-09-21 13:07:36
Reading Time: 2 minutes

It is clear data is growing indefinitely. The installation to handle data has become more powerful. Trends around data science solutions are strong, just considering the impressive number of startups concentrating on data science, machine learning, AI algorithm, or other data-related fields. Overall, the current conjecture is favourable to data science solutions, and companies in every domain, including aviation, are leveraging the increasing amount of machine learning techniques and their democratisation to build models that capture the underlying behavior of the data in hopes of transforming it into a working application. The options are limitless, but unless you are a startup specialising in a very specific and precise problem, large companies and complex structures such as aviation must address diverse data with a wide challenges. The question that immediately rises is: Is it possible to solve all operational problems using data science?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. Or, at the very least, not efficiently. Many parameters must be favourable for any model to result in a working application. In this blog post, we would like to propose an evaluation strategy to assess the risk of failure/success (depending on the how optimistic the reader is today) of a particular data science project. This idea was inspired by Amazon’s “working backwards” approach, according to Ian McAllister, a general manager at Amazon. The concept is simple: “We work backwards from the customer, rather than starting with an idea for a product and trying to bolt customers onto it.” Which means that for any new initiative or idea, an internal press release announces how the finished product will be, explaining how it is “centered around the customer problem, how current solutions (internal or external) fail, and how the new product will blow away existing solutions”, states McAllister. The company then iterates the press release until obtaining a satisfying results. Why? Because iterating a press release is a lot quicker and less expensive than iterating on the product itself. This rationale is also applicable to aviation and data science. It is much better to think ahead about the data science risks/success than to test every option at incredible costs in resources.

The image shows a top-down evaluation strategy that develops over simple questions and provides an idea of the complexity of the problem from a data science perspective. This will allow any technical board to prioritise, beforehand, the research direction of their teams, including considering other factors as another possible benefit from the model. To illustrate, building a complex model might be preferred regardless by the technical board because of potential ROI. Such quantitative assessment are not included in the evaluation strategy presented today – mainly due to the specificities of each problem or organisation. Figure 1 only focuses on the aprioriquestions one has to ask before plunging into a data science problem. Those questions might be considered as pre-processing steps or exploratory analysis; aimed for a business point of view. This enables any technical board to quickly and efficiently assess the chances of success using data science.

With this being considered, the team at Innaxis has compiled some key insights derived from recent data science projects:

  • Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning are less likely to be transformed into a working application.
  • The de-identification and merging of various data sources is a crucial pre-processing step.
  • Rare events or little-to-no tolerance for errors are situations where additional efforts and risks are taken.
  • Stationarity measures the longevity of the algorithms. Non-stationary systems are almost impossible to predict.
Author: Seddik Belkoura
