Data Science in Aviation Workshop
2018 edition

09:00 – 10:20. Registration, welcome and introduction

10:20 – 11:50  Tools and Techniques supporting Data Science

14:15 – 15:45  Data Science for Performance

16:00 – 18:30  Wrap up and closing

*Click over the titles in bold to see the presentations

In this annual event, professionals from the air transport field, as well as experts on data science, will come together to discuss applying data science techniques to the aviation sector. This annual event aims to inspire both data scientists and aviation domain experts and illustrate how these techniques can potentially provide new insights into paramount aspects such as environmental impact, safety, or performance efficiency. Breakthrough tools and supporting technologies in the field will also be presented at this annual event. Join us to learn how to increase ATM predictability both at airport and network level, discover machine learning techniques and platforms for aviation data, explore immersive analytics, or discuss about the challenges of automation in the aviation industry.

The event is funded by the project, which will present its Artificial Intelligence and ML data platform for aviation safety; and OPTICS2 (co-sponsoring the workshop).

OPTICS2 is also organizing a workshop on the following day (October 12th) on Data Science for Aviation Safety: Moving beyond the hype, towards what industry needs.. 

Event funded by European Commission.
